PointData’s PropertyAI platform was used in the preparation of a local Development Plan Amendment facilitating an integrated policy environment for the local area, ensuring economic zones are resilient, growth is sustained, and the City can adapt to changing external influences, emerging trends and market demands. The objective was helping steer Council toward a sustainable strategic environment leveraging off future industry, business opportunities, population growth and vibrant activity nodes to support economic development and an enhanced quality of life. Deliverables included a cross-correlation of demographic and economic studies, policy and legislative review, property market analysis, transport assessment, centre concept planning and discussion around urban design and car parking in activity zones.
PointData’s PropertyAI Model was used to test the impacts of proposed changes to Development Plan conditions for zones surrounding Economic Activity Zones in the City of Campbelltown. This included the ‘market realistic’ profitable and maximum yield allowable under the Development Plan as well as the dwelling typology type.
A range of proposed policy changes were tested with population and density changes and business activity impacts projected for the subject zones. This data can be utilised for ongoing planning within Local Government, in selecting and implementing new development policy, transport and infrastructure planning and a range of other applications including determining appropriate council charges based on anticipated business potential for activity centres.
PropertyAI was an early driver for the development of Valeri and other PointData models and products and has so far been developed in full for a select number of Adelaide Councils but remains a goal to provide insights and policy testing capability for Local Governments across Australia’s major cities.
PointData’s PropertyAI Model was used to test the impacts of proposed changes to Development Plan conditions for zones surrounding Economic Activity Zones in the City of Campbelltown. This included the ‘market realistic’ profitable and maximum yield allowable under the Development Plan as well as the dwelling typology type.